日曜日, 7月 31, 2011

A New Chapter Begins...Today

I guess I'm back! Welcome to a new chapter of my journey. I'm sure it will be rougher but more exciting, tougher but much more rewarding, and knowing me <yes I know myself more now!> I promise there will be more drama - tears, laughter, fear, pain, happiness and love.

Before I dive deep into this new beginning, it is but proper to pay tribute to the most influential person in my professional life. He's been an inspiration and a role model that I would really like to emulate one day. John left us and he'll be leading another company.

I know this is not goodbye, I'll closely be watching you! For now, thank you for the trust you put in me, for appreciating my accomplishments and for always praising my fashion sense. I really look forward to the day we have a chance to work together again.

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