This attitude has spared me unnecessary stresses but lately, I've realized that it also prevents me from seeing the world as they are - in its simplest realities such as the Mom & Daughter wearing exactly the same sandals, in its very diverse form such as seeing extreme fashion, or a sleeping (and probably very tired) salary man, or a happy young couple carrying their infant baby, or old couples who still hold hands. These are raw facts of life! The ones that make you realize that there is no straightforward, no strict rules how to live and be who you are. Observing the passengers got me a sense of relief, unexplainable, indescribable sense of being human. That alone was enough to put a smile on my face.
I should pay attention to the details of what everyday brings me because they make up the totality of the day. Plus, at the end of the day, it makes for good writing material :D
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