Today, Fumika, Naho and I went to Barbara Cafe in Lumine 1 6/F. Very nice ambiance, quiet enough to make good conversation. These good friends of mine lend me their ears as I pour out frustrations here and there.
Just as I settled down, the staff came out carrying a birthday cake heading towards our table. I was not paying so much attention because I know neither one of us is celebrating birthday. I even frowned when the waiter stopped in front of our table. And to my surprise, the whole staff sang Happy Birthday! It was a very successful 'SURPRISE'. I was not expecting anything near it and was very much touched at the gesture, that I almost cried. But crying in public 2 times within a week is too much haha! Oh sweet friends!
I'm truly many many many ways. I sometimes need
to remind myself of that. Thank God for the best blessings- that of true friends.
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